Estate Planning Lawyers Newcastle & Maitland

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The importance of estate planning in family law

Estate planning is quite an important part to consider in family law matters, particularly where blended families are involved or when a separation is occurring. Whenever your circumstances change you should consider whether your Will still provides for your wishes. We appreciate it will often be a stressful time and you will not be turning your mind to your Will, however it is important that we discuss this with you, book a consultation and chat with our estate planning lawyers.

Estate planning after separation & divorce

It is likely that you made your Will at the commencement or during your relationship and your Will most likely provides for your assets to go to your partner. If you separate, this may no longer be your wish and you should address this immediately. Once you divorce (if you were married) any gifts to your ex-spouse will no longer be effective however a divorce does not usually take place for a number of years following a separation.

Need an estate planning lawyer in Newcastle & Maitland?

If you are looking for an estate planning lawyer in Newcastle & Maitland, we can advise you about the appropriateness of your current arrangements and update your documents where necessary. From simple wills through to complex arrangements involving blended families we can advise on the options available and help you choose the one you consider appropriate for your situation.

We believe that every adult should have their estate planning documents in order and plan for the unexpected. Even if you don’t consider you need a will then you should still ensure you have a Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian to ensure that you and your assets are dealt with in the manner you would prefer in the unlikely event that you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.

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