You are not obligated to have a lawyer for Family Law matters, and the Court strives to make it easier for individuals to manage their cases independently. However, just because you can go it alone doesn’t mean it’s the best course of action.
Family Law is more intricate and less straightforward than many other legal areas, making it wise to have someone by your side who specialises exclusively in Family Law, as we do at Clarity Lawyers. Such an expert can offer practical advice, helping you navigate and resolve your issues more effectively.
The Family Law Act provides some guidelines for decision-making, but it doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution for every situation. This is why you need someone who can fully understand your specific circumstances and offer tailored advice.
At Clarity Lawyers, our sole focus is Family Law. Our team combines empathy with expertise to help you achieve the right outcome for your situation.
Even when you and your ex-partner have reached an agreement on matters like arrangements for children or property division, there are still documents that need to be properly prepared. Drafting these documents can be complex and typically requires legal expertise to ensure they are done correctly. Errors in these documents can lead to higher costs and longer delays, which could have been avoided with legal assistance from the beginning.
Failing to formalise your Family Law Agreement can lead to significant complications later on.
For instance, while you may agree on selling a house and dividing the proceeds or on arrangements for children, these agreements are not legally enforceable without formal documentation. Additionally, not having a formal settlement in place can disrupt your estate planning and could allow your ex-partner to make a Family Provision Claim against your estate after you pass away.
To ensure that your Family Law matter is resolved legally and with as little stress as possible, it’s crucial to have a specialist lawyer handle everything for you. They can provide expert advice and make sure you receive what you are entitled to.
Here at Clarity Family Lawyers, our goal is to help you see things more clearly and move forward in your life. From advice prior to moving in with a new partner through to finding the best solutions following a separation. Our approach is compassionate and dignified. Whilst not afraid to employ strong tactics, the preferred approach is one which assists in maintaining an amicable relationship, in our experience ‘you catch more bees with honey’.
If you’d like to discuss your Family Law matter with a specialist, contact us today for a confidential consultation.