No one wants to pay more than necessary for anything, right?
In fact, when it comes to legal advice and working with a lawyer, it’s the cost of doing so that can put people off.
While the services of a family lawyer are almost always going to have fees, our services can often help you to resolve your family law matters faster and very effectively, which not only saves you time but in the long run, can also save you money.
There are also steps that you can take to ensure that you can keep your family lawyer costs as low as possible and in this video, we provide you with this information.
If you’re unable to watch the video, we’ve also included a transcript below.
Watch the video below
Reduce Legal Fees!
Video Transcript:
Good morning from chilly New South Wales.
Today, I thought I’d talk to you about how you can keep your legal fees down. Steps you can proactively take to make sure that you’re not paying more than you need to.
So, firstly, I always advise people to seek legal advice early. That way you don’t spend time and money going down off on the wrong path getting valuations when maybe they won’t be accepted by the other side, things like that.
Once you’ve got that initial advice your lawyer should be able to give you a plan. And tell you things you can do now to prepare for potential future conflict.
Things like keeping notes are really important. Because memories change over time, so if there’s an incident, write it down now. That way you’ll be more certain in your memories, and you’ll be able to show to the court that they are more reliable because you’re relying on your notes.
Thirdly, I suggest that you limit your interactions with your lawyer. By this I don’t mean don’t instruct them but what I do mean is don’t send six emails in one day when you could have put them all together in one email. That way the time is all together and you’re not paying for excess time. So, if a lawyer has to open 6 different emails throughout the day, you’re going to be charged 6 times. If it’s just one email, potentially you’re going to reduce that bill by 6. If it still only takes one unit or six minutes to deal with the issues rather than 6 times 6 minutes. Hope that makes sense – if not definitely talk to your lawyer about what I mean there.
And then if your lawyer has asked you to do something get it done or provide them with a time scale as to when they can expect it. This just avoids them chasing you and you being charged for the lawyer chasing you for information.
Other than that, yeah, legal fees are what they are. They are not insignificant and that is something that I always keep in mind. Particularly with family law matters because they are emotional, and we are dealing with real people not companies. And it, at the end of the day, every dollar counts for my clients, so I do try and keep it to an absolute minimum.
[End of transcript]
Need family law services in Australia?
If you have any questions or you’re in need of a family lawyer our services are available Australia-wide as well as locally to those in the Newcastle and Maitland areas. Get in touch with us by calling us on 02 4023 5553 or booking a consultation online here.